Sunday, May 04, 2008

Lover of the Russian Queen

May 3, 2008

We took a local train out to the town of Gatchina, 45 minutes North of St. Petersburg. A palace and park was built there in 1776 for Grigory Orlov, lover of the Empress Catherine the Great. A huge palace and park-grounds were built for him. In the park there is a lake that is split up by islands. There were plenty of patrons renting boats and taking advantage of the beautiful weather. We even saw an older guy strip down to his underoos and take a dip in the lake.

In the town of Gatchina there is a beautiful Orthodox church that is made mostly of brick but then topped with white gables and blue domes. We went to a local art shop and bought three little oil paintings to help us remember our time in Gatchina.

Again... the weather was gorgeous but I (Sonja) got tired after walking around for 3 hours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not taking a pic of the man that stripped down to his underoos!! Hope you guys are doing well. By the looks of your pictures you're sure seeing the sights!! Awesome!! Take care!!